Friday, March 5, 2010

A note to the Culturally Impaired.

I'm sure someone is going to call me racist for this, but I will qualify the term "Culturally Impaired" and then you too will be educated like me. Culturally Impaired is a term I made up a number of years ago. It doesn't refer to a culture being impaired compared to another one or imply inferiority of one way of life over any other. What I would say is the best descriptor for it is the following:

"A person or people who find themselves in another culture for an extended period of time (ie the rest of their life) and refuse to learn the language, culture, way of life or even common basic manners to allow for better functioning within the culture they are in."

Now it should be pointed out that I'm not saying they should assimilate; Jews can have their Chanukah, people can Kwanza it up for all I care and they can eat all their ethnic foods and whatnot til they explode. I am not asking them to change, I would just like for them to function. I suppose the best way to talk about what this term means is to give an example.

Every year the street I currently live on has a block party. Everyone comes, it's like 5 bucks to register and it's a good time. Everyone comes...except, that is, the two asian families. The parents are shut-ins, closing their blinds and even crying to the city the day of the event as if it's some big shock to them. I don't understand what is so difficult about coming out and enjoying a beer and a burger with people you live next to and see on the regular. These people, I would say, are culturally impaired. They shun friendliness and instead drive their car like it's a god damn bike. They cut people off in the supermarket as if they are still living in Shanghai and act like total pricks.

The above example highlights a classic case of cultural impairment. Why, then, was the word impaired chosen over the word "retraded" or "cocksmithery"? Simple. A drunk driver is pretty out of it and is said to be impaired. He is an inconvenience or perhaps a danger to all those around him and is unable to function at driving in much the same way that the culturally impaired are unable to function in our culture. It's kind of like a zombie being referred to as the living impaired- they are a great problem, inconvenience and danger to those who are not living impaired. So the impaired affect themselves and those around them in a negative way....hence, Culturally Impaired.

I do not understand these people. Move to Canada from where ever, you are more than welcome. When you start shunning yourself like some fuck rag and treating others like pieces of shit or whatever, that's where I have an issue. I guess this makes me look like a total asshole, not being flexible to their way of life. That simply isn't the case though- I just want functionality, not assimilation. Their kids don't have a problem in our schools becoming human (or somewhat human, as per gang members and other toolbags who think high school is serious business). I don't know what's so hard about learning a basic understanding of the dominant language of your country and figure out that people wanna punch you in the breast for cutting them off while piloting your shopping cart. I would personally dislike being unable to communicate and being hated in the place I CHOSE to move to. If you wanna be hear so badly that you move you should probably try to function. FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION. I didn't say that word enough yet.

Man these people piss me off. Just for reference, it can happen to all people- whites included. A nice example of what TO do would be my neighbors. Moved over from Germany with their little kids and learned the language and culture, but still speak German at home and have all their traditions in tact. They are lovely people, well liked and function quite well in this society. In fact, I'd be sad if they had to leave for any reason. Was that so hard for them to do? I don't think so.

So, a note to any culturally impaired who can actually read this (See: None): LEARN HOW TO LIVE IN THE COUNTRY YOU ARE IN OR GET THE FUCK OUT. We want you here, but only if you aren't going to be a prickly son of a bitch shut in.

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