Monday, March 8, 2010

Sorry Arkys but race DOES exist.

Firstly I wanna comment on something about some archaeologists I've met. Some of them are quite incredible and awesome. Great scientists. Others, namely many that fester with an undergrad degree at a blockbuster hoping someone hires them for the 'incredible' insights need to fuck off. YOU CANNOT PARTICIPATE PROPERLY IN TRUE SCIENCE WITH AN ARTS DEGREE. Digging through a dead cultures trash is no more a science than taking a shit on a flower and watching the effects, at least not the way your artsy interpretations work. Seriously, a single flake found at a site tells me the following: Someone made a tool, at least in part, in this spot, some time ago. What it tells them: The exact layout of the camp of an unknown tribe, complete with butchering area, size of camp, number of occupants and tents and duration of stay. When you point out that it doesn't tell you that reasonably, they rage on you and call you a faggot. Yes, logic is the "faggot" here. Fuck you, pseudoscience art fuckstains.

Yeah, you can tell I'm not too pleased with these gems of people, which is why I saved it for a particularly bad facilitate my rage.

Anyways, one thing this oh-so-educated group pipes about is how race doesn't exist. Now, logically, the Bush-men of Africa have been shown to GENETICALLY be the most plesiomorphic group on the planet. I guess genetics matter for not when you have a blanket principle. That sounds like another group I rip on a lot...interesting. Let me hit you all with some fact: if a 3 year old can make the observation, odds are it exists.

Now I know, once again, it may come off as racist for me to say "black people have larger lips, curly hair and tons more melanin than whitey". Well, yeah, it's technically a stereotype. Stereotypes are based on one key thing though and that thing is observation. You don't hear about a ton of asian people flying through the air at will on wings of gold because they don't do it. If they did, I bet it would be racist to say that. I am rambling; lets get to the point. There are differences between the races. It's not like a species level thing, or even a subspecies thing. This is something called phenotypic plasticity. We see it in all sorts of other animals and it can very frequently be an allele thing.

I will give you a non human example.


Crested geckos, Rhacodactylus ciliatus. Currently spamming the pet trade for breeding like Giraffes (see: can't be stopped) and for being amazingly docile without the need for heat or UV (but that's another blog, how much I hate herpetoculturists). You will note the vibrant color differences in these geckos- however, what is more subtle, is the orientation of the crests (vertical or horizontal), size of the crests, size of the gecko itself and many other subtle character traits that someone that bred them, such as myself, would recognize. These are referred to as "morphs" in the Herpetoculture community and in my opinion they aren't really that dissimilar from race. The one true difference is that race in humanity reflects isolated populations breeding for generations expressing different phenotypes and the reptiles are isolated populations being (irresponsibly) inbred and selectively bred to rapidly express different phenotypes. Hey, what do you know, when I write it that way they sound the same with one being rapid and the other being slower.

If race doesn't exist, why do we cast blacks to be president in the movie 2012 or most movies with a president in them these days? Why do we bother casting a black kid to be the offspring of a black in a movie? Oh, right, Archaeologists would argue vehemently that it's a cultural construct and that culture makes movies. Last I checked, Archaeologists basically study ancient would it not make sense to apply cultural constructs to your research? OF FUCKING COURSE IT WOULD YOU BLOODY HYPOCRITES!

I defy them to provide me 2 people with pure ancestry from Japan who have given birth to someone with blonde hair and blue eyes or black skin with curly hair (instead of the Japanese norm, straight). It isn't going to happen. Do you know why it isn't going to happen? Certain genes either aren't functioning or are completely removed from certain populations; failing that, they lack ability to express themselves due to our friend genetics. The moment they show me two people with ancestry from Kenya producing a child that is Maori, or any cross-race combination like that, I will drop my standpoint and bend over for them. Til then, the evidence is strongly in my court.

So to sum it up,

Points for Steve: Genetics, observation a 3 year old could make, logic
Points for Arky: Hypocrisy

Total Score: 3 to -1. Good job assholes, no wonder everyone with half a brain fucking hates you.

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