Saturday, February 6, 2010

open minded herd culling is harder than I thought.

I know I'm a prickly fuck on the internet, especially when it comes to cut throat application of the Scientific Method and black and white thinking that would make a horny penguin feel jealous. In 2010 I've been on hiatus from this lovely little site, partly because I don't owe anyone an update and don't really give a rats ass. Partly, also, because I've been trying to tone down the flames and open up the mind.

It has been a challenge. With a totally open mind, you succumb to absolute buffoonery like believing that unicorns exist or existed at some point based solely on the extraordinary tusk of the male (and sometimes female) Narwhal. If you close your mind right down, you end up like me in November/December of '09, which pretty much without saying, means you are right more often than you are wrong but you don't take risks or have much fun beyond flaming internet randoms from shitstorms like

I believe I have come to a happy medium -and I obviously don't mean a "psychic". I will maintain my position of non belief in anything. Belief on the whole means an unfair interpretation of the world and a rather childish or naive view of "truth". While I cannot assert truth, since I'm not a philosopher, what I can do is assert observation. From there it is completely reasonable to make reasonable claims upon the nature of these observations. I will, however much I desire it, do my best to prevent the absolute mental dismantling of those willing to believe, whole heartedly and without any accountability, things that have zero firm evidence in their favor.

So where, specifically, does that leave me on the spectrum? Well, I'm still a total prick and I will still continue to disillusion silly adults and uneducated children. That being said, some things of this nature are legitimately fun. Santa, for example, is not something I would ruin for a five year old. It's best to let them catch their parents putting out gifts and have them ruin their own shit, same as I did to myself. Ghost hunting is FUN. What it isn't is appropriate science, as I've demonstrated in past blogs. It's fun to go into an old building and get spooked. I suppose that makes me a hypocrite because if there is no belief then there is no reason to be scared, even a bit.

I think the line shall be drawn at the truly outrageous or the just plain intellectually harmful. For example, Jesus or Voodoo. I do still maintain that Zombies CAN exist and may very well do just that. Just ask Prion disease and Corticeps fungus, such things may well be possible. Yes, I know I'm a tool, but I am a fully justified and prudent tool.

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