Monday, December 7, 2009

Climate Change: Please shut the fuck up

Everyone is flipping out about climate change. From rednecks claiming "you retard global warming can't happen" to hippies claiming "no but our emissions are killing our babies", everyone is really starting to piss me off with this. In light of the emergency climate change bullshit summit, and on the heels of a relatively recent polar bear conference, I have come to one conclusion:


I know writing that in all capitals is pretty much the last thing I should do to get everyone to stop freaking out, but it seems that it's all I can do to get the attention of people. After all, I don't have the millions of dollars that producers had to churn out "The Day After Tomorrow", which successfully sensationalized an otherwise mundane change in the Earths climate.

Here is a smidge of info a common simpleton wouldn't know: The climate has changed in the past and it will change again in the future. Just be glad we don't have to deal with the bullshit from a supercontinent like Pangaea or Rodinia. I am willing to say, flat out, that climate change is happening. I am not qualified to make a call one way or the other about carbon dioxide emissions OTHER THAN the observed greenhouse effect from carbon dioxide. No, I don't mean a runaway stupid effect, I mean a casual effect that does happen. So really I am on the fence about this subject- Yes it is happening but no I don't give a rats ass, as its not a catastrophe (well, it is for my contemporaries) in the long term. By long term I do mean millions of years AT LEAST. With that scale in mind, obviously this climate shift will be a drop in the bucket.

So, what do we stand to lose from this climate change? Well, obviously the ecologists will lose their love child the polar bears. Good riddance. It's not like the polar bear brings anything specifically unique or even moderately interesting to the world. Hell, if they bite it, it won't be long before grizzlies start moving in on their territory. Actually, it as already happening- there are, as far as I know, two instances of hybridization between the two great Ursa species and definate sightings of grizzlies infringing on the territory of polar bears.

Other than some hyperspecialized species, the amphibians will take a big hit. Lissamphibia is a pretty sturdy group though, I'm pretty sure they will make it as a whole, but less adaptable members or those unfortunate enough to have chosen an unstable region, won't make it. I'm sure some reptiles will bite it, same with some hyperspecialized mammals. One recurring theme here is that if you hyperspecialize, and therefore become a super success in a particular niche environment, you are pretty much fucked in the long run. I've harped on it before, just ask Platybelodon. Generalists will continue to survive, animals that live off a single food source will continue to fail (that means you, Ailuropoda) in these scenarios. By the way, I do like to place blame on an animal for its evolutionary background- not because I feel it's correct, but because I like to heap scorn upon things.

Realistically what will happen out of all this is that global cycles will be more extreme. So the highs and lows of temperature will likely be worse and storms will probably be more violent. However, there are exceptions- I'm positive that in certain areas some volatile weather will simmer down a bit.

Overall, I do have one suggestion to everyone: WAIT AND SEE. If it's not one catastrophe it's another and personally I'm sick of it. Can we all just relax and observe instead of predict, based on virtually nothing, and end up with our foot in our mouth? By our, I do mean humanity as a whole excluding me because I actually have unlocked the secret to breathing through my nose.

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