Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It is time to fumigate the vaginae

I am watching a show called "Paranormal State". This show is so fucking stupid, "testing" groundbreaking techniques like strobe lights increasing a psychics abilities or ordering a spirit to leave the house. I am furious with how stupid people are.

Lets just back up a second here. The title of this post may seem outrageously inappropriate and misplaced. However, let me assure you, it's not. The topic here is something called Hysteria. Hyster, as a prefix, means vagina. In olden days, they would cure hysteria by fumigating the vagina, sadly most hysteria in these women couldn't be cured and the fumigation killed them. So I suggest that we fumigate the vagina of Ryan Buell and ESPECIALLY of Chip Coffee, their son of a bitch psychic that needs to STOP.

I am a psychic too, here's the technique: make a general statement like "I am sensing that someone is unhappy". If anyone affected by their "haunting" says they are upset, then he's right. If nobody speaks up, it's clearly the spirit channelling through him. You continue on this way, undemonstratably, until you reach the terminus of things and have to finally say "Well this spirit is pissed off and here is a generic reason". This reason usually is that someone is infringing on their house. Everyone flips out and uses their instruments that have never once been demonstrated to be linked to something that has never once been demonstrated to actually exist. In other words, if there is a temperature shift, it is like a fucking draft. Grow the fuck up and stop being hysterical. Honestly people feed off each others stupidity until it becomes a form of mass hysteria.

FUCK FUCK FUCK I want to slam my head into a wall Pachycephalosaur style. This isn't the only vaginal fumigation that needs to occur. Anyone who speaks in tongues, sees demons, believes in ANYTHING that has nonobservable evidence (cryptozoologists, the ball is in your court now). I will admit that cryptozoologists DO have their purpose: Looking for now extinct species to confirm they exist, or searching for animals like Okapi johnstoni. Okay, I will not diverge from the nonscience anymore I promise.

I find it appropriate how the word nonscience looks and especially sounds so much like nonsense. I have personally observed people singing to Jesus about Jesus (narcisistic gods are a definate, but that's another post) with their hands over their heads and then, out of nowhere, some person flips out and runs around rubbing his head. Okay, I can kind of see this behaviour being appropriate if you are 5 and getting your first power wheels. THESE ARE FULLY GROWN ADULTS.

Here is a hot tip, Ryan Buell and especially the cast of "Ghost Hunters": Using various instruments ending with the suffix meter doesn't make it science, it makes you retarded. Holding an Electrometer over a clock radio and observing the spike doesn't mean that you are seeing a ghost communicate with you.

Speaking of which, ghost communication (and God communication, for that matter). If they are so desperate to communicate for whatever reason, WHAT BETTER TIME THAN WHEN PEOPLE ARE THERE TO FUCKING RECORD IT. It's like my post about repeatability in your claim- yes, I understand that animals and etc won't preform at will. Maybe your ghost is shy! Well, how about you don't shoot the episode and then leave. How about you live in the damn house and wait for something to happen? How about that, you sensationalist pricks?

Also, and this is a major pet peeve of mine: If you have an idea, it is NOT a theory. It is a hypothesis at best, but in the case of the topic discussed it is usually stupid as shit. This is the reason why people say "Evolution is just a theory so its not for sure".

If only my skull and spine were built for ramming.

Hysteria folks, this is ALL hysteria. Mass hysteria, singular hysteria it doesn't matter. They are all a bunch of vaginae and they all need to be fumigated. The case that most of the fumigated vaginae end up on the short end of the life stick, in this case, is awesome. So we see that vaginal fumigation needs to happen again to quell this mass outbreak of hysteria.

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