Thursday, November 26, 2009

Homo: Know your rights.

Your gut reaction, I'm sure, is to assume I am talking about a homosexual and his rights to a legal union. If you want to know, I find that they selfishly want a legal union called a marriage when a legally binding union is reasonable and does the same fucking thing to an atheist like me, which is a commitment to the person, unless you live in the states and disreguard all prenups, lawyers and stuff, but that's an aside. Anyways, homosexuals: the culture that supports marriage as a tradition pretty much has it on good authority that you guys are really, super gay and are bad, so why not be rational and just accept your "new age" trendy "high fashion" salon lifestyles as a union? God fucking damn it it's just semantics and besides that, I have NO FUCKING CLUE IN MY HEAD as to why a gay human being would decide to be a christian or any of its subdivisions or other faiths (but all claim to be absolute truth, strange eh?) that decisively go against your lifestyle.

Anyways, the meat of this post: Homo sapiens. To them, my letter would read:

"Dear Homos,

Way to thanklessly disreguard your heritage.


Homo erectus and Homo habilis.

P.S. Fuck all you later Homos, you all owe it to habilis anyways."

For reals, lets rap. Assuming you are a person who agrees with fossils and evolution (note I don't say believe, since it's not something to believe in it is just fucking there, accept it or not), do you have any idea the exploitations of all our ancestors? My guess is no. Bet your ass that our deep ancestors exploited the hell out of anything they got their hairy palms on. Infact, bet your ass that what archaeologists stupidly seperate as "Cro Magnon" exploited environments and resources like no other "species" til "modern man" (fuck I hate archy and their no race and then cultural shit and ambiguity on species in later times with cro stupid magnon).

Can we please stop trying to save environments and species that we put at risk and act like it's going to do much in the long run?

We got to where we are as a species via our ancestors exploiting things. We abused every resource and with every abused resource we grew stronger. The most adaptable species around definately exploited humans as a resource or for protection. I do, of course, mean Llamas, Dromedary and to some extent bactrian Camels, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Deer, Red Kangaroo, Horses, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Dogs, Cats...any invasive insect...I won't go on, the list is long. Anyways, certain animals have taken advantage of our loving nature, like dogs, or taken huge advantage of the extinctions we've caused in antiquity and moved on up, like the red kangaroo. There are also those that have taken advantage of a more invasive and exploitive existince around us, like mice.

So, is it reasonable to keep exploiting?

Of course, idiot. If you are a vegan, you might want to remove yourself from the drum circle and understand that you were likely drinking milk as a small, small child and you should probably stop being a self righteous prick and have a slice of tasty cheese. If you are a vegetarian, stop being a pussy and eat a damn burger that isn't made of peppers and lentils, or whatever it is you make them out of. If you are a pesko vegetarian, stop avoiding our culture and main source of animal protein, which is tasty land vertebrates- though I am not saying oceanic foodsources are bad, I infact love sushi and all seafood, but a good burger has never hurt anyone. Except those people that developed Mad Cow...but your odds are better of being awesome for eating meat than they are for getting some disease, so have at 'er. I once knew a weight lifter than came in last every competition. Big shock she was a vegetarian. As far as I know, studies show that a developing human brain needs animal meat, and it is pretty much beyond contestation that muscle growth needs some red meat. The common denominator: there is no substitute for meat and red meat happens to be the best. How do we get that? BEEF, unless we are trying to be different or experimental and eat a dog or a horse or a shrimp or a human or something.

Evolutionarily, it is well within our rights to keep exploiting our resources til our population spills over, dies off alot, and then meet some sort of over/under equilibrium. Rabbits in Canada do it, why shouldn't we? I'm okay with that, the overpopulations are mostly Chinese and Indian, so they are well away from me and my exploitive North American culture. Hey, that means I'm culturally a step up on the peasantry, which includes everyone but Europe and N.A.. Cool.

We need to stop giving a shit about super specialized polar bears, who made the evolutionary mistake of hyperspecializing. Prehistory shows us that they are idiots. We already will be a serious extinction factor, but that's a good thing. We are demolishing our competition at the cost of sustainability, natural selection, balance and....

Okay so fuck off. How's that? I am not suggesting we purge the environment of all competition, but I am saying flat out that if we, at this point in our species success, play by the same rules that other species play, we will kill most anything we need to expand our success. Morality be damned, it's a human construct: we need sustainability. Unfortunately, that probably means exploiting the Gnu for a tasty burger or removing the unproductive (by our terms) habitats that are the home of the bongo and friends. If animal groups want to survive on the long term, they need to adapt. Hell, insects in north america have adapted to all kinds of pesticides and continue to thrive and I have seen mice outsmart traps invented just a decade ago. Bat populations don't seem to care, infact rooves can be a roost for them!!! Anyways, I beseech all species to "nut up or shut up"...or become zombies, that is acceptable as well.

Despite all this hooblah about humans basically having full rights to bleed the planet dry and other animals being less good at that and therefore suffering, we are creating many niches that genera like Aedes and Culex LOVE. Beyond them, house cats, dogs, any farm animal and pet that has success in and around people is enjoying the success of adapting to humanity. So some species learn to live, others to die. Nobody is shedding tears over animals that died 540MYA. So, if we want our species to live, who gives a shit about polar bears that die cause they can't handle a bit of heat or peregrin falcons that die cause they can't live with a bit (okay, alot) of DDT in their thinning eggshells? Well, I for one, do not and I'm going to tell you why: If number of species declines it probably means we are more likely approaching a mass extinction. Just look at the end Cretaceous or Permian, which I am told was ripe for the pickings of a mass extinction event based on an ever shallowing pool of diversity that were ever increasing in the exploitation of environments (see: hadrosaurs, man were they great in their day). I would love for a "day" of evolutuonary reckoning to occur, but it just won't happen.

Ants, when considering their societies, literally dominate the areas they colonize. There isn't much that finds success in the insect world in the immediate area of a colony, and for good reasons- the ants outcompete everything and don't give a shit whose loss it is. One rule of nature seems to be to grab what you can, when you can and if you can't grab enough, you're probably being outcompeted.

On the botany side of things, for contrast, grass has colonized everything from polar regions to the ocean (only angiosperm I know of to do this, by the way). Nobody cries about them because they feed everything, but they more than dominate the plant world. So what is a person to do? Outlaw their success and stop them? But that would cause troubles for countless grass devouring species. Is that really all that different from human beings making certain species that can exploit our lifestyles, evolutionarily speaking?

In conclusion: Don't be a pussy, eat some red meat and like doing it. It is your right as a Homo.

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