Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Repeatability in your claims, please.

I recently spoke with someone that made an outlandish claim. I won't say what this claim is, but lets just say it is basically suggesting that fairies do exist and that they have seen them first hand.

Naturally, I jumped to the conclusion that it was bullshit. I then took a step back and thought "If this person is so sure, maybe I should check it out for myself." So, in a display of fairness, I asked how I could find myself some fairies. They then suggested that fairies do not show up on request- which is fair, many animals don't do this either. The solution, obviously, is for me to put myself in a set of circumstances similar or identical to those the person experienced fairies in, thusly maximizing my chances of seeing a fairy. The person then said "Oh, you don't want to do that." That's pretty convenient, but I asked how I could do it anyways. Of course, it ended with a "if you look for it you will find it" sentiment, but what is it that I am trying to do- find what they are claiming exists. So in order to find it, I need to look. I am looking, so therefore I should have found it even when I am not provided with any sort of method to find it? That is outlandish and quite childish, logically speaking.

It seems that there is always a roadblock in demonstrating the undemonstratable and that is something called belief. This is EXACLTY why the materials and methods section exists in papers- if someone disagrees or wants confirmation for themselves, they can replicate the experiment and get similar or identical data. So please, if you are claiming something exists, please be able to demonstrate it exists by way of producing a methodology for repetition or at least a source that provides a method to repeat it. It really don't have to be that complex- if you want a higher chance of seeing a great white shark, you go to the southern tip of South Africa at the right time of year and chum all over the water- or you wait for one to jump out at you while hunting a seal. A very simple example.

Please, please, please.....stop the madness and back yourself up!

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