Saturday, April 17, 2010

the coffin made of nails

Lets talk for a moment about creationism. Now, you can call this and that a nail in the coffin, but at one point the theory with more pieces of evidence than any other theory (if you are a retard, there is a difference between hypothesis and theory) becomes a coffin made of nails, stuffed to the gills, so to speak, with evidence. Just as an aside: As we SHOULD recall, a theory holds a ton more water than a hypothesis. An example of a hypothesis is creationism- no real evidence (yet) backing an idea that has been proposed.

One thing harped on by creation over and over is a missing link. Tiktaalik, Eusthenopteron, Archaeopteryx and Australopithecus are all missing links that have fallen prey to Scientific naming. What I mean by this is quite simple. Once you give a proper name to a species in the fossil record it creates two more gaps. The fossil record cannot record every single animal ever. So, a time to strike comes, burying the opposition and forever ruining that argument once and for all. My proposal is the following: Australopithecus sediba, a smoking gun that is exactly where it needs to be morphologically and chronologically to be a perfect missing link between ape-like hominoids and hominids, should not be named. It should be called a missing link and not assigned a proper specific epithet. Of course, it already has, but that should be rescinded and stripped. This animal should be called THE human missing link. In one fell swoop you would demolish a pivotal creationist crutch of "show me a missing link" (which we do, but they are babies in need of spoon feeding) and basically sucker punch them with their highly touted soul-bearing original-sin garabge Humanity.

It's a sad day when this has to be suggested. You know, with a seamless fossil record, you would actually have to call things transitional. In a cascading series of skeletons from point A to B, the 50% mark on the line between them must be called transitional- you cannot assign a species name to that if you are not a douche bag. A perfect 50/50 split, like our nice hominid based on 2 complete skeletons (not fragmentary shit), would have to be transitional. You could even have put these two in the genus Homo
...that's how close it is.

Count on arky/anthro to FUCK things up again.

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